Leadership alignment and buy-in.

Let’s explore two actions you can take with top leaders to help establish the commitment you are looking for.

Action 1: Build awareness

Presenting the business case is an excellent start to making leaders aware of DEI. Are your top leaders rational thinkers? Then they will have two questions for you:

To answer these questions, read and gather the most relevant information for your organization.

Many people have already put a lot of energy into researching DEI. The resulting insights allow you to substantiate strategic work towards more inclusion.

Even though top leaders consider themselves rational decision-makers, we know from experience that DEI should go beyond the business argument. Instead, you need to align both head and heart and discuss how your leaders can grow into ethical leaders.

The key traits of ethical leaders:

When building awareness, start a conversation on these leadership values. Working in an inclusive workplace can easily be linked to Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability, and solid ethical decision-making.  

Interested to read more about why the business case is not enough? Read this article.

Action 2: Workshop to create buy-in

If you want to get leaders on board, give them a chance to contribute, discuss and challenge your DEI ambitions and plans. Since leaders are essential advocates and role models for your DEI work, they need the opportunity to give their input. Aligning them to your DEI plans will help decrease possible resistance.

Do this in a guided way by setting up a workshop or strategic debate.

  • Are you at the beginning of your DEI journey?

Setting up a workshop to discuss the business case and purpose of DEI work is most recommended.

Include the following topics:

  • Have you already performed a DEI scan?

Use a workshop or strategic debate to answer these additional questions:

  • Have you already created a DEI strategy and action plan?

If you already have a solid plan, provide leaders with a high-level overview and ensure they validate it before you go into action. Ask your leadership team about:

Become a DEI expert.

This is a collection of articles that allows you to take a deep dive.