Decrease bias in recruitment.

Bias has been a DEI buzzword for many years, and rightfully so. It significantly impacts how we interact with colleagues and leaders and influences the fairness of organizational processes and practices.

Let’s explore bias and how you can hack bias in the recruitment process.

Action 1: understanding bias

Action 1: Understanding bias.

The first action is learning about bias yourself. Understand where it comes from, the impact, and how you can recognize bias in your and other people’s behavior.

We will get you started with some highlights.  

Bias is a prejudice in favor or against a thing, a person, or a group compared with another.

Biases are thinking errors. Our brain needs much information to assess and react to situations but cannot process the necessary information fast enough.

The result?

  • It takes shortcuts to categorize and streamline information and speed-up reaction time.
  • It fills in the blanks of information with stereotypes and past experiences to accurately assess a situation.

Besides limitations in information processing, biases also stem from our personal experiences, upbringing, education, history, etc. They are embedded in our thinking and society and often become part of the norm. That is how they sneak into organizational structures like recruitment processes.

Bias can have a positive or negative impact on the recruitment of candidates. However, no matter the effect on the individual candidate, it invariably endangers fair and equitable recruitment practices and is a “must” when working on DEI.

To decrease recruitment bias, you must explore ways to impact 1) people and 2) processes.

Action 2: hacking individual bias

Action 3: hacking bias in interviews

Action 4: hacking bias in hiring decisions

Become a DEI expert.

This is a collection of articles that allows you to take a deep dive.